
Recently, the Supreme Court of India issued the contempt notice and passed an interim order imposing a ban on advertisements of Patanjali Ayurved’s medicines.


According to Section 2(28) of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, an advertisement is deemed misleading when it gives a false guarantee or is likely to mislead consumers regarding the nature, substance, quantity, or quality of the product or service.

About The Consumer Protection Act :

The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 is a comprehensive legislation enacted in India to safeguard the rights and interests of consumers.

Key provisions of the Act:

  1. Definition of Consumer:
  2. The Act defines a consumer as any person who:
    • Buys goods or avails services for personal use.
    • Uses goods with the consent of the buyer.
    • Hires or avails services for consideration.
    • It also covers legal heirs and representatives of consumers.

Rights of Consumers:

  1. Right to Safety: Protection from hazardous goods and services.
  2. Right to Information: Access accurate and transparent information about products and services.
  3. Right to Choose: Choose from a variety of goods and services.
  4. Right to Redressal: Seek redressal for unfair trade practices and defective products.
  5. Right to Consumer Education: Be informed about their rights and responsibilities.

Unfair Trade Practices:

The Act prohibits various unfair practices, such as:

  1. False representation: Misleading advertisements or false claims.
  2. Unfair contracts: Imposing unfair terms on consumers.
  3. Defective goods: Selling goods with defects.
  4. Restrictive trade practices: Monopolistic behaviour.

Consumer Disputes Redressal:

  1. The Act establishes Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions at the district, state, and national levels.
  2. Consumers can file complaints related to unfair trade practices, defective goods, or deficient services.

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