Ahead of the 13th ministerial conference of World Trade Organization (WTO), a majority of the G-33 countries have called for a permanent solution to public stockholding for food security in a ministerial statement on agriculture trade negotiations.
The statement emphasized the crucial role of public stockholding in ensuring food and livelihood security, rural development, and support for low-income or resource-poor producers in developing countries, including least developed countries (LDCs) and net food-importing developing countries (NFIDCs).
About G33:
- The G-33 is a coalition of developing nations within the World Trade Organization (WTO).
- It was established prior to the 2003 Cancun ministerial conference.
- India, being a dominant member of this group, was part of the G33 since its inception.
- The group coordinates during the Doha Round of World Trade Organization negotiations, specifically in regard to agriculture.
- The group includes countries like India, China, and Indonesia, totalling 47 nations.
- They advocate for flexibility in market opening for agriculture, focusing on special products that are crucial for their development.
- The primary purpose of the G-33 is to advocate for the interests of developing countries in World Trade Organization negotiations, particularly in relation to agriculture.
The group focuses on:
- Special Products: They argue for flexibility in market opening for agricultural products that are crucial for their development.
- Public Stockholding: The G-33 calls for a permanent solution that allows them to maintain public stockholding programs for food security purposes. These programs play a crucial role in ensuring food security, livelihood security, rural development, and support for low-income or resource-poor producers in developing countries.
- Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM): The group asserts the right of developing country Members to the SSM, an important instrument against major import surges or sudden price declines.
- Through these efforts, the G-33 aims to ensure that the interests of developing countries are adequately represented and protected in global trade negotiations.
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